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Friday, January 12, 2018

Yoshi's Island. Level Analysis by Joanna Rodriguez

How does the level layout contribute to the tutorial?

This level is the first beginner level the player will encounter. In this level, the player will learn the basic mechanics such as jump, eat/spit out, fly, double jump, and throwing eggs.

How is the pacing and flow managed to keep the player challenged but not bored?
The mechanics are not thrown at the player all at once. The player begins by walking to the right and jumping on ledges. The player would soon encounter an enemy and can choose to attack, but is not thrown into battling. The game will also expose the player to platforms. These platforms contain extra coins that act as an incentive for the player to explore. Further, the level utilizes the jumping mechanic many times, allowing the player to gain familiarity with the mechanics. 

How much is left to the player to figure out on his own vs. how much is handed to him?

Most of the techniques and mechanics are up to the player to solve. While the tutorial does not hand the player the mechanics, it acts as a practice round for the player to use the mechanics. 

What kind of obstacles are presented to the player? 
The player will encounter enemies, platforms, jumping platforms, and flying. The player must use simple logic to finish the level. 

How do they ramp up the difficulty as the tutorial advances?
The level begins to use the obstacles in a bundle. Instead of just jumping, the level will include jumping platforms that have enemies waiting on the next platform. 

How is the story integrated (if any)?

While you are exploring the level, baby mario stays on your back the whole time. If you get hit, you will lose baby mario and you have a time limit to retrieve him.

Yoshi's World Level Playthrough.


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