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Exploration Game: Hexscape.

Created in Unreal Engine 4.

Finished in 5 months.
Hexscape Trailer.

Hexscape Beauty Shot 1.

Hexscape Beauty Shot 2.

Hexscape Beautyshot 3.

For the past 5 months I have been creating an indie game with the help of my classmates. We created all props and textured them. We also created dramatic lighting to suit our games. It was a ton of fun and I will be looking forward to creating more games! Description: In a dystopia where frightening magic and conspiracy exists, humans must endure everlasting testing, experimentation, and sacrifice. Religion and conspiracy have control of the balance of the world. Spiritual Voodoo is a common religion performed, and often utilizes human sacrifice. Voodoo Bayou is a notoriously known area where those who are taken to, never return. Those who are sacrificial limbs to the controlling dystopia never know they are targeted. You play as Nexo Russ and must find the way to escape the bewitched voodoo hut, or risk becoming eternally hexed by the Voodoo Queen. Can you escape? Created by: Joanna N Rodriguez


Hard Surface Modeling

100K Triangles

Modeled in Autodesk Maya.
Textured in Unreal Engine 4.
Limit of 6 Materials.
Conceptualized, Modeled, and Textured in 6 Weeks.

The Dreadnaught Collider. Front.

The Dreadnaught Collider. Side.

The Dreadnaught Collider. 3/4 View.


Character Wardrobe

17k Triangles

Modeled in Autodesk Maya.
High Poly Sculpted in Zbrush.
Textured in Unreal Engine 4.
Limit of 4 Materials.
Modeled and Textured in 4 weeks.

Character Wardrobe Mask. Front.

Character Wardrobe Mask. Side.

Character Wardrobe Mask. Side.

Character Wardrobe Mask.

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