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Sunday, January 28, 2018

Spiky Block! Challenge

     This week, I had to manipulate blueprint classes to create a moveable, activated, spiky block. In order to create this, you need to create a blueprint class, a material instance, and knowledge in Parenting Actors/Components, Timelines, Move Component To, and Dynamic Instances nodes.

Spiky Block Unreal BP Viewer
     To create the spiky block, we must first create a Blueprint Actor Class. We would then attach a cube as a body, as that would be the Parent. We could then include other shapes to make a face, and those will be the child actor to the Parent actor. This means that the other shapes are connected to the main cube shape.

Spiky Block Unreal Construction Script Viewer
     To allow facial features to glow, we need to make its material a Material Instance. A Material Instance allows a material to be changed during play time. A regular material is static and cannot be edited during play time. The reason we want the facial features to change colors, is to indicate to the player that danger is coming.

Spiky Block Timeline Viewer
     Next we would create a Timeline, so that once the player enters the trigger box, this event will play. In this screenshot, there are 3 events. The first is the event track, which is used to activate sound cues, and camera shakes. The second is the block falling down. This indicates how far the block moves from its original location. The final event is the color track. This is when the color changes for the eyes. This can all be seen in the video above.

Spiky Block BP Viewer
     This is the blueprint class for the spiky block. This is how this actor class will function. It begins with the overlap of the trigger box which will only be triggered by the character. Then it will go through the timeline. It will shake and then crash down, triggering a camera shake and a thump sound. The timeline will then reset itself until the player interacts with the trigger box once again.

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