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Tuesday, September 26, 2017




Voodoo Bayou

    Before you begin, review Chapter 6 on Brainstorming in The art of Game Design

    Think about exploration games you have played.

Skyrim/Grand Theft Auto/Final Fantasy XII/

        What is successful about them?

                -Open world, attention to detail, interactive with objects

        What inspires you about them?

                -Enables players to submerge into fantasy world through graphics, exploration, interaction, and reward.

        What could be better about them?

                -More interaction with object

        What ideas would you like to try?

                -Open world, Interaction with objects (pick up, grab, push, collect, remove, destroy)


                You awaken to find yourself trapped in a worn-down, creaky house. You lift yourself off from the ground to see that you are in a human sacrifice ceremony. You must find a way to leave the house before the Queen of Voodoo arrives to finish the ceremony. You search around and find a sturdy, well built door. You look closely and find that the door is missing key components. Will the door open if I can find the missing pieces? You look more closely, and see concaved dips. What could fit in there? Eyeballs?

Your job now is to find the hidden eyeballs and return it to the door. You will need to search high and low, push and pull objects, find hidden areas. Only then will the door open.

                Door too difficult to program. Instead, there will be multiple doors, multiple keys.



Hexscape Level_Intro
Background: In a dystopia where frightening magic and conspiracy exists, humans must endure everlasting testing, experimentation, and sacrifice. Religion and conspiracy have control of the balance of the world. Spiritual Voodoo is a common religion performed, and often utilizes human sacrifice. Voodoo Bayou is a notoriously known area where those who are taken to, never return. Those who are sacrificial limbs to the controlling dystopia never know they are targeted.

Scene: Nexo Russ has just awoken in a rusty, worn-down cell. Nexo has no recollection as to how he ended up where he is.
Time: Dusk
Condition: Moisture, humid, rotting wood

Nexo Russ Male. 28
Voodoo Queen Female. Unknown age
Whispering Voice Male. Unknown

Camera fades into Nexo, revealing the cell. The cell is somewhat open and dented. Nero stands up from the cell. The camera zooms out and shows a bloody ring around Nexo.
Nexo Russ
Man, what a headache. Wait, where am I? What is… all of this?

Whispering Voice
So you are awake. You are lucky. Hey, how many fingers do you have left?

Nexo Russ
Huh? Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here? What’s going on? Where’s my family?

Whispering Voice
You are lucky. Remember… You. Are. Lucky. Hahahahaha, why don’t you leave your cell? It’s open. See? Go on. You’re lucky.

Nexo Russ
I can’t see. I need to find a light first.

GATING MECHANISM: Find Flashlight.

Hexscape Level_A
SECTION A1: Intro to characters and setting scene. 

Nexo raises from the floor and heads to the cell door. It is open, but budged.
Nexo Russ
I can’t open it. There must be something jamming it.

We observe the cell door to find the GATING MECHANISM. The gating mechanism is a twig stuck between door and cell.
Nexo Russ
Got it. Now to leave this barren waste. What is even going on?

Whispering Voice
You can’t escape. It is destiny. We are hexed. You.. are hexed. She will come. You are not lucky!

We can explore the cell room, finding burnt books, soiled and rotted. We find bones, blood, muck. There is an unlocked door. The doorknob squeaks; the door drags.
Silence. We hear the sound of water droplets, a pin dropping.

We can move freely through this unknown corridor. No windows, no lights except the flashlight found in the cell room.
Whispering Voice
You can’t escape. It is destiny. We are hexed. You.. are hexed. She will come. You are not lucky!

The player character talks to himself...

Nexo Russ
I just need to find the door… any door.

The player enters a wide, open room. This is the main room. There are three doors in this room. One leads outside, and the other is locked, and one is unlocked.

SET OBJECTIVE: Objective text pops up in the middle of the screen,
Go to the front door.

The player must walk around the open room until he comes across a door.

Nexo Russ
The outside door is locked. I need to find a way to open this door. Who lives here?

SET OBJECTIVE: Objective text pops up in the middle of the screen.

Find another door.

The door to our bedroom is locked. The player rattles the knob.

Nexo Russ
Need to find a key. Should be around here somewhere...

SET OBJECTIVE: Objective text pops up in the middle of the screen,


Find the key.

SET OBJECTIVE: Objective text pops up in the middle of the screen,

Open the door.

SET OBJECTIVE: Objective text pops up in the middle of the screen,


Find the key.

SET OBJECTIVE: Objective text pops up in the middle of the screen,
                                    Unlock the third door.


The player opens the door to find it leading to a staircase. The player walks up to the second floor. There is one room. It is unlocked. An empty potion bottle lies on the table, and a note written with blood ln the walls It is written:

Every Home Needs Peace...
Jasmine and honey,
2 fruits of passion
The purest of white rose petal
Nature’s sip: water.
Found where the voices whisper through eternity,
For then, you shall be free.

Gating Mechanism: Find the potion. Drink the potion.

Nexo Russ
What.. is this? Should I drink this?

SET OBJECTIVE: Objective text pops up in the middle of the screen,

 Drink potion.

When the player drinks the potion, the lights turn on. The player is able to see the room. The player then proceeds to throw up, finding the key in his throat.

Nexo Russ
What the hell? A key? Where did that come from? Wait… is this the key I need…?

SET OBJECTIVE: Objective text pops up in the middle of the screen,

Whispering Voice
He is lucky! He is lucky!

The player returns to the entrance door and unlocks it.  He escaped successfully.


Main Room Sketch

Rough Sketch Potion Room
Main Door Concpet

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